


Waxing Lyrical - Layered Wax Type
In the current issue of 8 Faces magazine (number 5), Keetra Dean Dixon reveals the process behind making these fantastic wax type pieces. Here’s a short extract.
We cut positive type forms and position them on the top of the grid, and we take hot wax and manually start coating all of those letterforms and catching the drips underneath in the basins. And as the layers cool, we shift the colour of the wax that we’re applying to them and we manually layer again and again until it builds up a mass of wax. […] Then we have to take the positive letterforms out of the interior of the wax piece.

Layered Wax Type: Throughout, aka “I’ve been thinking of you for a while.”. Collaborative work with JK Keller.
54″ × 14″ × 6″, layered wax & acrylic paint, 2008



Sarah J. Coleman,英国女插画师,擅长使用繁复细致、而富有变化的字符和插画作为装饰图案,其作品出现在大量广告、产品包装及杂志封面上 ——Sarah J. Colemanillustrateur, elle aime utilise des complexes et détaillés, caractères changent riche et illustrateurs comme les motifs décoratifs ,ses travails est apparu dans de nombreuses publicités, emballages des produits et les couvertures de magazines.



French artist Bernard Pras uses junk and discarded materials to create his large-scale "paintings" whose visual construction bears a resemblance to that of artist Vik Muniz's junkyard masterpieces and shredded magazine collages. Like Muniz, Pras focuses on classic works and the artists behind said creations. The result of his valiant efforts in compiling each of his subjects is an enormous sculptural portrait composed of random yet carefully placed loose objects.
In producing his inspired installations, Pras takes cues from Giuseppe Arcimboldo, an Italian painter from the 16th century who's most famous for his portrait paintings featuring an amalgam of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other unorthodox components. He has even assembled a three-dimensional version of one of Arcimboldo's paintings with actual produce. The artist also tackles the timeless works of other great painters like Dalí, Munch, and Hiroshige.
Additionally, Pras offers his anamorphic renditions of prominent figures from pop culture. Regardless of his subject, the artist creates immensely detailed installations that allow the eye to wander. His works are the kinds of creations that you could spend countless amounts of time discovering new trinkets and lost objects in.




2 oct.2012

les notions de motif, répétition, variation, déclinaison. 

  • motif: éléments variable constitutif et répétitif  des images décoratives.
  • répétition:affaiblissement de l'autonomie des motifs ou des images singuliers afin de créer une relation universelle ou mobile .
          Un motif est, dans le domaine artistique, une forme esthétique à répétitions.

                                                                 Andy Gilmore
   Les créations d'Andy Gilmore sont indéniablement influencé par l'Op'Art des années 1960.
Andy Warhol 

Andy Warhol exhibition in Germany 
  • collection:“ensemble”.le série d'ouvrages de même nature, au sein d'une maison d'édition.